How to reach Shegaon ? |
Shegaon is on the Mumbai
CST - Nagpur - Howrah route by Railway. The closest township is Akola .
Khamgaon is 20-25 minutes fom Shegaon and Hindustan Lever has put up its
soap manufacturing plant here. |
It is a Class B railway
station and some trains which stop at Shegaon are : |
1. Mum- Nagpur 1005-6
Vidharbha Express Arr Shegaon 6 am Dep 7.40 pm. |
2. Mum- Howrah 8001-8002
leaves and arrives 30 minutes after Vidarbha express. |
3. Mum- Howrah 8029-8030
leaves Kurla Terminus at 10 pm and reaches Shegaon approx at 10 am. |
4. Nagpur Sevagram
express also halts at Shegaon. |
5. Kolhapur -Pune-
Nagpur Maharashtra express is for passengers travelling from Pune and Kolhapur. |
6. Gitanjali express
does not halt , but you can alight at Akola and take a bus / private vehicle
to Shegaon and reach in 1 hour’s time. |
There are also luxury
buses and State Transport buses which leave from Dadar and Mumbai Central
for Mumbai residents. Once you reach Shegaon - its a great feeling ! Buses,
Autos, cycle rickshaws are plenty. |
There are a number
of private hotels apart from the Sansthan run Bhakta Nivas , offering accomodation
and Thursdays witness very heavy rush. |
Temperaturs in Summer
can touch 40 Deg C upwards and the heat is scorching and dry. Winters are
cold - Nov 15th to Jan 30th is winter and temperature could be 19 deg C.
Adequate warm clothing is a must in winter. |
There are number of
restaurants and eating out is not a problem. |
Thursday , Ram Navami,
Magh Vadya Saptami ( seventh lunar day in Magh month) and Rishi Panchami
( one day after Ganesha Chaturthi) are important days in Shegaon. Every
Tursday there is a procession and the entire Shegaon turns up for the palanquin
darshan. Sansthan horses and Elephants , Champakali and Rajkumari are presently
in service to the Lord. A movie on Sansthan activities is also filmed. |
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